9 Skirts For A Thin Woman: Creating Feminine Curves

How to look more feminine

9 Skirts For Thin Legs. Skirts For Skinny Women.

It took me quite some time to love my delicate frame and actually wear a mini-skirt. This little fact about me came into play somewhat when creating this site, the brand, The MiniSkirt Files.

ALL Images On My Site, Are My Own. Perfect They Are Not. I Did However Want To Remain As Authentic & Original As Possible.

Love, The MiniSkirt Files

Being a woman with thin legs, I know certain skirts create curves and the look of weight which help give a more feminine figure.

  1. A Skirt With Gathering
  2. A Skirt With Ribbed Material
  3. A Circle Skirt
  4. The Sweater Skirt
  5. The Fold-Over Skirt
  6. The Tiered Skirt
  7. A Chevron Print
  8. A Checkered Or Grid Print
  9. A Tie Skirt

I do hope my tips can invoke a little extra confidence in you and make you proud to wear a skirt even if you have a delicate frame and are a “skinny girl.” It took me quite some time to get comfortable with it but I’m there. I am sharing with you my collection of skirts that I have built up and that nicely dress my delicate figure.

Before continuing, I do suggest reading my other articles where I carefully gave my best tips on creating a more feminine physique & and adding pretty curves to the body with out any diets or training. Just simply using clothing & details to enhance our bodies. And maybe one yoga pose 😉 .

Listed in the article will be a few inspirations from Amazon. I get a sprinkle of a commission if you chose to purchase on, and i thank you if you do. But ALWAYS read reviews, check sizing and truly ask yourself, “Is this garment for me and will it flatter me?”

Now let’s begin. I present to you some of my most favorites. These pieces are straight from my closet.

1. A Gathered Skirt With Ruching

Whether it is a mini-skirt or long skirt, a skirt with some gathering will definitely add curves to your figure. That gathering of fabric creates more thickness in that area. Find one that gathers at the hips for a rounder look. I have one in a mini length and one in a longer length. The long skirt with ruching is sexy, but also classy and a bit more for dressy occasions.

These two skirts add the look of weight in the hips, creating more of an hourglass frame. A big plus for us thin gals.

How to look fatter in clothes
Ruching & Surprise Ruching For Your Backside!

2. A Skirt With Ribbed Material

Ribbed material is fantastic at adding a thicker look to the body. Select it in a lighter color and it works twice as well. Ribbed material gives a softness to our figure. It smoothes out the look of any “flaws” or sometimes if our delicate bones show through non-ribbed fabric.

I often gravitate toward ribbed dresses as well. They create that extra oomph around any slight curve you may have already and of course as stated, you get an overall smoother looking figure.

3. A Skater | Circle | Full Skirt

A skater skirt gives a voluminous look to the lower portion of the body. It conceals your slender figure if you are a bit shy to show your shape, at the same time it creates a width that enhances your hips. For an extra full look, you can get a tulle skirt [also called a petticoat or tutu] underneath.

Women in the 1950’s would use this to create a lot of volume and hold their skirts up and outward. This gave a great structure and structure gives more shape to a thin body.

How To Dress For Your body Type,
Skater Dress | Cute Cherry Print
How to get and hourglass shape
Pretty Circle | Skater Skirt

4. The Sweater Skirt

Similar to a ribbed skirt, the sweater skirt is made of a thicker looking material that helps conceal our delicate bodies underneath. You may have had this problem as I have many times when wearing a skirt. The material seems so thin that it shows every bone and gives even more of a slimming look. At the same time it highlights any little flaws!

The sweater skirt along with the ribbed skirt are superstars in this situation providing total coverage and creating more of a feminine figure at the same time.

5. The Fold Over-Skirt

The fold-over skirt provides an extra dimension. The eye now sees almost two layers here. Two layers of fabric equals the look of more “body”. This looks fantastic from a side view as it gives the look of better proportions when looking at our upper thighs. Our thighs seem a little thicker underneath this one.

I opt for an A-line cut as this seems to be the most flattering. Asymmetrical cuts seem to highlight thin legs and delicate knees.

6. The Tiered Skirt

The tiered skirt gives the look of layers. Layers create more volume in the hips and bum. They alost create the same effect as ruffles do and offer that flirtacious look.

When wearing a tiered skirt, you can instantly feel confident that you’re looking more curvaceous. This is an excellent choice for a thin gal.

How to get wider hips
Tiered skirt

7. A Chevron Print Skirt

Chevron print adds width to the body especially if it is going in a horizontal direction. The diagonals in this design also pose somewhat as a distraction from the slim look of the figure while creating the illusion of width at the same time.

8. A Checkered or Grid Print Skirt

Skirts For Skinny Women
My FAVORITE Skirt Of Mine. The Grid Print | Sweater Skirt. Gives Me Fantastic Curves.

Checkered print and grid prints can give an optical illusion of thickness. Plaid can skirts also provide you with this effect. Keep in mind the color selections and stick with a mostly lighter color scheme in design to get the full effect.

Above is me in my most favorite skirt. It hits several points on making me appear curvier.
1. It is a Thick Sweater Material.
2. Grid Pattern & Dark Horizontal Thick Striped Across Top And Bottom.
3. Overall Color is a Light Cream.

How To Look Thicker
Similar Idea: Grid Pattern Skirt

9. A Tie Skirt

How to make legs look bigger
Checkered & Plaid Print | Fold-Over | Tie Skirt

Skirts that have a side tie to them. This creates an illusion of fuller hips as the eye is drawn to the outter part of the hip. The tie itself adds that perception of a little more curve than we actually have. Refer to the plaid skirt image for an example.

How to LooK Thicker in Clothes
Pretty Bow (Pictured in Back) Can Be Tied In Front Or Back.


When wearing a skirt in the cooler months, opt for these “pantyhose.” They’re actually thick fleece tights that give the illusion of bare skin peeking through a sheer stocking.

How to get bigger hips
These Give The Effect of Pantyhose But Offer a Thicker Looking Leg.

This has concluded my collection of skirts for thin legs. There are quite a few more selections of skirts in my closet I’d love to share. I may do a Part II.

In the mean time I do hope I sparked a confidence in you to be a tad more daring if you were contemplating on a skirt for your thin figure. & I do hope you find success in discovering one that gives you that SEXY but DEMURE feeling.

This article was to share with you some of my most favorite skirts for thin legs and for a thin woman. How to look curvy. How to dress for your body type. How to get bigger hips.

We do not blossom overnight. We step one heel in front of the other and continue to improve. Let this be a delightful experience.

Love, The MiniSkirt Files

The MiniSkirt Files

These files are dedicated to the one who is getting herself together. Becoming who she wants to be. And always further advancing herself to another level above. 💋 Love, The MiniSkirt Files.

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