Confidence Hacks: 9 Up-Leveling Tips For Becoming A Confident Woman

Confidence building

These are my favorite confidence hacks that have a rather quick effect and spark a feeling of self-assurance that I hope may do the same for others.

Learning the value of these things through trial and error lead me to become a much more confident woman. Some seem simple, yet when applied create a far more powerful effect than imagined.

The confidence hacks in this article have helped me ignite and maintain my confidence. Some are instantaneous and some do require a bit of effort and creating habits.

Nonetheless, these confidence hacks do work when implemented! I do hope they work the same little magic for you as well.

Name Play

Your name and how you feel about it.

In How To Not Be Basic: Defining Yourself & Upgrading Your Look, I go into detail on the importance of your name and how you feel about it, when someone says it.

I’ll briefly explain here but do recommend you read the above article, specifically the section labeled, “Your Name Is Part Of Your Look & Feel.”

My entire childhood, everyone had called me, Carol. My full name is Caroline and growing up, I actually preferred Caroline for it felt more like me, and more feminine as I grew up.

When I was little, I was learning to spell my name and was taught to only spell Carol. And that I didn’t need to learn the rest, Carol was more simple, and just fine to know how to spell.

As I got older, I realized my preference was Caroline and actually started introducing myself as Caroline more frequently.

It makes a difference to me personally when I hear the two different names and it does have somewhat of an impact.

Learn to love your name of course, but do always know you can choose how it is pronounced. Don’t be afraid to correct someone. If you prefer a nickname, make it known.

Eye Contact: Obvious But Overlooked.

I was with a friend at a large shopping mall when I was about 19 years old. Walking by a shop, we bumped into a friend of hers, Diana. Diana was 27, looked put together and professional.

As I shook her hand while we were introduced, I noticed myself looking down at the floor. A month later, Diana was speaking to my friend about the day she had met me and said, “She’s nice, but I can tell she’s not confident. She shouldn’t look down when meeting someone. You should let her know.”

I had no idea she really even noticed that, but it sure could give away a 1,000 ideas about a person similar to the quote “A picture’s worth a thousand words.”

From then on, even if I wasn’t feeling confident, I made sure to look at someone when being introduced, even if it would be for just a brief glance.

Practice Posture

Posture easily displays a sense of confidence within someone, or at least the look of it.

This is one of the keys I mention in How To Look & Be Better Than Average: An Up-Leveling Guide.

Again. Posture is a natural exhibition of confidence. Confident people tend to stand up straight with the shoulders back. Need not you make this look forced.

There is a natural upright position the body has. It can be easily attained through practicing good posture, as your muscles will form a memory to this new position.

This look of confidence, thanks to good posture, can actually provide you with a feeling of confidence.

Again, because this is important, this confidence hack will not only make you appear more confident but will let you feel it as well, the more you participate in it.

Practice Your PostureThe Old-Fashioned Way: Balancing Books On Your Head As You Walk (Do Be Careful!)

– Gentle Beginner Yoga Poses Done With A Professional

– Simply Sitting & Practicing Sitting Upright
Practice Your Walk– Walk Towards A Mirror

– Video Record Yourself Walking

– Analyze What You Like. Also, Decide What Needs Improvement?

– Develop An Authentic & Confident Walk

Be Well Spoken

I know many people think a confident person can speak well because they are, well – confident. However it can work both ways I believe. 

When you practice your speech, develop a flow of speaking, truly use proper grammar and have rate of speaking to where people can understand you – you can feel more confident in general.

You know you wont sound silly saying something because you naturally speak well.

When you have developed that habit of speaking well, you can feel confident that you will sound natural when speaking to others. Not searching for words, and not sounding “not well spoken”.

Tips To Implement This Confidence Hack:

  • Practice Your Speech
  • Eliminate Cuss Words
  • Use Proper Grammar

Educate Yourself | Be Cultured

One of my favorite confidence hacks.

Confidence isn’t just about the looks as we have mentioned earlier, being well spoken is a way to feel more confident.

In addition to this, being well informed, and well educated about a variety of different topics will ensure you will have something of value, and something of interest to chime in with when having a conversation.

In What Is A Sophisticated Woman: A How To Guide I offer so many ways to grow into a more sophisticated woman. Many of them are ways to become more educated | cultured | well spoken. The “How To Look More Sophisticated” part is also included.

Know Your Power Color(s)

Some people feel best in certain colors. They know it flatters their skin tone and hair and makes them look more alive. Start to be more aware of what colors have this similar effect on you.

There are certain colors people attribute to feeling more successful and professional. I heard the color blue is exceptionally professional and invokes that same feeling in them when they wear it.

Experiment with colors. Ask yourself the following…

  • How do you look when you wear this certain color?
  • How do you feel when you wear this certain color?

Have A Put Togetherness About Yourself

I frequent this throughout The Miniskirt Files.

I recommend you glance the through my ideas in How To Be More Put Together: Look. Feel. And Be. to further discuss having a put togetherness about yourself.

You want to make sure your clothing, makeup, hair, and nails all have a put together LOOK. This means developing a routine to keep your looks maintained so that you always look presentable.

These beauty routines can be done at home such as skin care, manicures, etc.

You also want to BE put together meaning having the proper essentials when needed, being organized, keeping important dates marked in a calendar, being prompt and on time to things.

Keep A Clean Home. A Clean Car. Be Tidy

When you naturally are tidy, or learn to become more tidy, you can feel confident that you are prepared at all times to avoid the embarrassment of looking like a messy gal.

What if you need to drive a co-worker home? What if you unexpectedly have to pick up your boss? Or if a date walks you to your car?

A neat and tidy car speaks volumes about someone. As does having a neat and tidy home. Or neat and tidy bedroom.

Not that having a messy car from time to time will make you a bad person, but having things organized and having an enviously clean car will simply provide you with confidence.

It’s a fantastic confidence hack. You wont be scrambling last minute to get things to look somewhat “acceptable.”

How do we implement this strategy?

  • Set aside time each week to do maintenance cleaning.
  • Or, perhaps each day you have a small area to clean or maintain. This way you’re not overwhelmed once a week with so many cleaning tasks.
  • Keep car cleaning essentials in a nice basket in your trunk. A duster, window wipes, dashboard cleaner, maybe a mini handheld vacuum?
how to be more confident
ALWAYS have these in my pretty little car!
how to build confidence
This little powerhouse keeps my car looking fresh! Read the reviews!

Have An Allover Fresh Essence About Yourself

When you smell clean, you can feel confident. Smelling clean ties into the above confidence hacks, keeping a clean home and keeping a clean car.

In How To Feel Good In A Dress: How To Look Good In A Dress, I have a section called “How To Feel Good In Your Clothes.” The first tip in that section is having clean clothing. When you walk by, or get up from sitting, the scent of your clothing is more noticeable.

Even if you use a fragrance free detergent, you will have a freshness in the clothing and can feel confident that when you walk by or stand up, you will smell clean.

This also means keeping good hygiene habits of course. Always have something in your purse to freshen up your mouth after eating.

My piece, Smell Good In The Morning: A How To Sexy Guide has lots of little tips for smelling pretty!

Tips To Implement This Confidence Hack:

  • Read The Recommended Articles Listed Above
  • Always Have Fresh Clothing
  • Keep A Clean Home [We Tend To Smell Like Our Homes]
  • Keep Mints / Gum / Mouthwash In Your Purse
  • Keep A Small Perfume / Scented Lotion For An Extra Bit Of Freshness

If you found delight in these confidence hacks, you may love my other writings about how to be more confident.

How To Be A Confident Woman: At Work & In Life
How to be a confident woman
How To Upgrade Yourself: 30 Ideas To Have By Your 30s
how to feel more confident
6 Key Traits of A Confident Woman: Becoming A High Value Woman

This article was created to provide confidence hacks and tips on confidence building that can keep a woman ahead and continuing her up-leveling journey.

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The MiniSkirt Files

These files are dedicated to the one who is getting herself together. Becoming who she wants to be. And always further advancing herself to another level above. 💋 Love, The MiniSkirt Files.

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