This piece is created to help a woman learn how to be a confident woman, how to be a confident woman at work and how to be more confident in yourself.
In order to be a confident woman at work and be more confident in yourself, you must know your value, stay above criticism, and find some value in criticism itself along with comprehension while also dressing the part, and being prepared.
No. 3 is my absolute favorite! An essential for becoming the next level gal!
These are all simply suggestions, ideas and me sharing my situations in hopes that they may be helpful in sparking some confidence in another. None of this is advice that must be taken.
Prior to starting I want to begin with a KEY FACTOR in self love and confidence.
I remember the first time I looked into the mirror and said to the woman staring back at me, “I love you.” It was a practice I found from a book written by Louise Hay. Such an emotional reaction had taken over when I did this, but my did it open up a new way of seeing things. Self love is IMPERATIVE. Know that you are loved simply because you are here. May love and light guide all.
An additional note in the idea of self love I’d love to include is that when I began eating better, and juicing fresh vegetables, I really started feeling shifts in happiness and clarity. Which shifted me into a new direction of confidence. I recommend taking care of yourself in ALL ways. Health truly is wealth.
1. Know You’re A Valuable Woman.
At work. At home. In life.
Self worth is something you must know. We are all worthy of respect and being treated well. And we also respect others.
Confidence at work, but not to the point of arrogance of course, applies to how we feel at work, what we deserve, what we put in our work, and so very much more.
What are your key strengths at your job? Know your strengths. always improve, learn new skills and do this in daily life as well as it will help you create the best version of yourself.
2. Address Issues In A Classy Manner.
Simply remove yourself from an issue you do not wish to be a part of.
I have been in workplaces where criticism and cattiness seemed as they were a requirement of the job. Not coming from my employer, it was just from the employees, my co-workers.
Address any issue that needs to be addressed so long as you do not get into trouble or if the person has a tendency to have an aggressive behavior.
In my case, I simply addressed the behavior geared toward me, calmly, and would continue to do so when the issue would arise again. I ended up forming a strong relationship with my co-workers that lead to a lasting friendship. This was simply my case as this doesn’t always work with every situation.
I tend to be rather calm and not so confrontational but will address an issue in a classy manner. This keeps me feeling confident in the workplace and helps me maintain confidence.
3. Find The Value In Criticism.
I elaborate on this in Tip No. 5 in the file;
When we learn to evaluate other peoples criticism, it may hold value.
This can be rather difficult and people can say hurtful things, but this about trying to see if there is anything of value that can make us better in this criticism.
If it’s simply something of no value, just a hurtful comment, we discard this and are unhurt by it. Again, easier said than done, but do read the brief story in the above article because it’s just one of many times I let criticism fuel me instead of break me down.
Comprehending where others are coming from when they critique you is a valuable trick to implement. When I first began working at an office, I was criticized heavily by my co worker, not for any particular reason.
I truly thought it was me, that I was the problem somehow. I wasn’t. Once I began to understand her, her past, and things going on, I realized much more about her character. This doesn’t mean to sit there and take unnecessary criticism if it is hurtful.
I began to build resilience through understanding others, and when they happen to critique me, it wouldn’t be hurtful for I simply knew there was something underlying to this behavior. I simply tried to find some value in this criticism.
Needless to say, the attitude is still unnecessary, but knowing why someone was acting they way they do neutralized their criticism and it had no effect on me from then on.
4. Be Your Best To Become Your Best.
If you’ve read through some of the other files in The MiniSkirt Files, you should have an idea about how to know your worth, up-level yourself a bit and be a more confident gal.
Having confidence in your work begins with preparation. A sense of preparedness leaves you NOT scrambling for answers information or just being behind in the day. You appear more in control, you ARE more in control when you are prepared. And this control gives a sense of confidence. Confidence in the work you put into something.
Prepared to answer possible questions. Let’s say a woman is working in a field that requires a presentation. Of course the woman who is most prepared will be most successful in this presentation.
As we’ve addressed, with the feeling of preparedness comes a confidence. She knows she’s done what she can, went above for this, and can feel confident in her work. What you do is not who you are, but it is an extension of you.
Others feel and see a part of you in your work. I am not saying to overwork yourself to a point of exhaustion, or to go too far beyond if you are not compensated properly. This is all about balance, and how you see fit.
Take pride in your work that you do, especially if you did do an honest job on it.
These articles may also spark some confidence within and help in feeling more successful.
- How To Become A Successful Woman: Success, Confidence & Getting It Together
- How To Be The Woman You Want To Be: Up-Leveling Success
5. Dress Like Success.
This is a simple, yet effective way to increase that confident feeling and how to be a confident woman at work. How we dress isn’t 100% of what defines us. Nor does it determine our skill set or successfulness in certain things.
We do however know that when we put a little more effort into our appearance, in this case our clothing, we can feel something. We can feel more of a certain way. A more confident woman can emerge from within.
Create a vision of what your ideal self looks like at work. Even if you wear scrubs. When I wore scrubs, I tried on dozens and dozens of scrubs before selecting the perfect colors and flattering fit, along with comfort of course, that made me feel more confident at work. It’s taking a little a pride in oneself each morning and making an effort to look good for today.

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