How to level up as a woman and how to become the woman I want to be.
Everything is a suggestion in which you decide whether to implement or not. Or simply just browse through these ideas for some enjoyment.
Do begin by loving the woman you already are. She’s lovely. Look in the mirror and let her know.
We are all gifted the ability to improve if we’d like to and by loving her first as she is, we can happily and properly continue to becoming the better version of her.
We begin by envisioning. Then we start to create this woman and further improve ourselves all while still loving our original character.
This post is to inform you how to level up as a woman and be the woman you want to be . The starting point of how to become the woman you want to be.
Have An Idea Of That Woman You Want To Become: Envision Her
Have an idea of that woman you want to be and envision her.
A side note, don’t be afraid to dream big. There are studies which claim that when specific or “challenging” goals are set, they are more likely to be reached than the small goals, or no goals at all for that matter.
So let us get specific.
This improved version of yourself, this woman; What is she like? What kind of clothes does she wear? What is she successful at? What attributes and qualities does she have? What kind of individuals does she associate with?
I mean it. Let’s really take some time and think about it. I repeat, What is she like? What kind of clothes does she wear? What is she successful at? What attributes and qualities does she have? What kind of individuals does she associate with?
Have a vivid imagination. Get completely detailed.
Write this all down. Make lists or script out this vision if that is your preference. This would be the first step toward becoming her. Having that idea, knowing what you want.
This is truly the beginning of how to level up as a woman.
Start With One Compartment At A Time
When you want to improve yourself or become the woman you want to be, it is important to start with one compartment at a time or little by little in each one.
What parts of your life need improvement to become this woman? Do you need to learn to be more organized? Become better at a certain skill? Do you want to up-level your wardrobe into only flattering clothing? Do you want to start a business or create more organization in your current business?
Have a set plan. Create a plan. Strategize some in how you are going to become this woman. What steps are we going to need to take?
Without a plan, it could just be a piece of imagination and never actually become reality.
Have Inspiration & Immerse Yourself In It
This is done visually, audibly or tangibly.
Now that you have an idea of this successful, confident woman you want to transform into, you can create the excitement of becoming this person through inspiration.
Have images that associate you to your goal. Keep a small collage of them. You do not need a huge vision board unless this is what you prefer.
For example, if you want to become more organized you would have images of organized closets, perhaps an image of a woman and a calendar or a planner.
Once you have a vision set, further immerse yourself in inspiration by watching some videos on how others organize their day, their planners, etc. Listen to podcasts and read articles online.
I personally make a notebook, size my images accordingly and place them into a pretty arrangement within that notebook. If you prefer a digital approach, create the vision and set it on your computer desktop background. Or have it set as the background on your phone. [My background is a polished woman who looks like she’s got it all together].
Have Inspirational Items With Meaning
Have small little things that make you feel as if you are are already that woman. I once purchased a small nameplate to put on my desk area. At the time it was a bit silly to buy with a phrase on it that I typically never said.
However, this little piece of inspiration was in fact that, inspirational. It started making me feel like I was a boss, successful, strategic and getting somewhere.
Tiny little things can bring a a certain feeling whether it be that nameplate, a special personalized pen, something that brings you closer to becoming that woman.

Dress The Part
We slowly incorporate this new vision into reality by also dressing the part.
Start off slow and of course no need to invest large amounts of money in a new wardrobe yet, but a few key pieces to make you feel like that woman can do wonders.
Let’s refer to the business woman vision again. For me, even if it was a “work from home” business I was wanting to create, dressing the part would just give me that instantaneous business woman feel. A blazer. A structured work bag. Just a little something to give me that effect and lead me to keep advancing to the next steps.

Make Small Steps Each Day To Becoming That Woman
Implement the strategies.
This woman you have envisioned in becoming, what are some small steps you can take toward becoming her and achieving the goals that have been set?
For example, let’s say we have envisioned becoming a business woman. After completing the earlier steps in making a detailed list of what we envisioned, and having inspiration to look to, some strategies we can implement now are buying a book on starting a business.
Another small step we can take is actually working on a project to further sail us into becoming this woman. If you want to be a designer, start creating designs. If you want to be a more organized woman, start cleaning out your closet and set up a system of organization in there.
If you want to be a woman on top of things who has her life together, start by getting a planner with a calendar. Write down all due dates for bills. Write in any appointments. Write in when your oil change is due. Set monthly goals for each month of the calendar and try to reach them.
In becoming the woman you want to be, you can always question and implement what works for you.

Continue The Process, No Backtracking. At least try.
This means every day, dedicate some time to continue these steps to becoming that woman you want to be.
It is your responsibility. It is your vision.
Of course things come up and they may take your time away from this. However, If someone is sitting around saying they are bored, then it’s time to get back to work and implement some more strategies. Relaxing is one thing, boredom means let’s get back to focusing on improving ourselves. Balance is key.
That’s just a small small piece of advice, but my goodness can it have a great effect if we know not to get complacent.
Always try to keep up in being your successful self. When I reached some success in becoming a more organized woman there were several times of backtracking. My car got exceptionally messy inside, an absolute mess, and I couldn’t believe I had let it stay in that way for so long. Addressing it was one thing but taking action was another. I set the time to organize it again and tried tried tried my best to always keep it pristine. Continuing the process.
Keep Learning & Advancing
Continue to expand. Never stop flourishing.
In my article, How To Feel More Feminine: A Womanly Approach, and other articles on my site, I mention to remain ever-learning.
The desire to learn can create more ambition within us. It also creates opportunity. The more knowledgeable you are, the more power you hold and the more opportunities there are in store for you.
I truly believe we are naturally inquisitive creatures and the more we question and learn, the more we flourish into even more incredible individuals.
Improve The Habits You Wish To Change
In How To Look & Be Better Than Average: An Up-Leveling Guide, I mentioned, “It is important to have an image of the woman you want to become. It is equally imperative that you love yourself as you are in this moment prior to beginning your self-improvement.”
This means we are not looking at ourselves in a negative way. We are simply improving our own less favorable habits. Habits I was wanting to change when first starting to improve were; Not being on time, not using my time efficiently, being disorganized, and being messy.
When becoming the woman we want to be, of course we may want to change some things about ourselves. However, let’s keep in mind to call it improvement.
Be Assertive. Or Create Self-Assurance
In other words, self-confidence is a must. You know you are capable of becoming the woman you desire to be. Have something that gives you that spark of confidence.
For me it’s a blazer and a favorite perfume that sets me into a self-assured mode.
For some, their confidence creators can be a phrase, an inspirational story about someone else, a quote from their favorite book.
Have or find something that gives you that feeling. Create that glow within you.
Take Pride In Your Success
Without being boastful, take pride in your success and in your achievements. Take pride in the little steps you completed to becoming this woman you envisioned.
Being shy is quite alright as well. No need to share your success if you aren’t quite ready. You know your achievements and capabilities.
As we mentioned before, we continue the process and we also keep learning and advancing. Let all of this be a delightful journey. One heel in front of the other.
Reward yourself. And have a lot of love and compassion for the self.
Recap How To Level Up As A Woman:
Envision Her | Be Super Specific Write it ALL Down Read it Aloud Some Questions To Ask Yourself: “What is she like?” ” What kind of clothes does she wear?” “What is she successful at?” “What attributes and qualities does she have?” “What kind of individuals does she associate with?” |
Compartmentalize | Start Cleaning & Organizing & Seeing Where You’d Like To Do Better in Each Compartment of Your Life Start Slow, One By One Some [But NOT All] Compartments Can Be: Home | Car Skills | Hobbies Social Life Family | Friends Work | Career Finance Fashion | Style Mental | Emotional | Physical Health Physical Appearance |
Immerse in Inspiration | Vision Boards Screen Saver Listen to Podcasts Each Day Learn Something New in this Journey |
Inspirational Items | My Personal Example: My Boss Nameplate |
Dress The Part | Implement Items That Answered The Question, “How Does She dress | What Does She Look Like? |
Small Daily Steps | Have a Planner Calendar Habit Tracker |
Save These Articles For Future Reference. I have many articles on TheMiniSkirtFiles.com that are dedicated to helping a woman advance to the next level.
This post was to inform you how to level up as a woman and answer the question, “How to become the woman I want to be. How to level up.
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