How To Become A Successful Woman: Success, Confidence & Getting It Together

How To Become Successful

How To Become A Successful Woman. A Confident Woman’s Guide To Success.

These tips and tricks are NOT ONLY for women of course. That is what I originally based my principles on and this blog on because I am a woman and want to share my experiences and knowledge. However, these ideas can help ANYONE.

How to become a successful woman in anything requires getting yourself together, planning it out and to follow through.

1. Maintain Thought Organization

Always write down an idea you have right away. Type it in a notes section your phone, write it on a pretty notepad you carry in your purse, or write it in your calendar. 

When I have a thought that I see value in, or a simple reminder I think of, I simply write it down before it has a chance to escape my mind. It keeps me ahead and on top of things.

To be a successful content creator, designer, or business woman, I believe it’s important to keep track of ideas and make them visual or tangible before simply forgetting about them. A great idea can be forgotten easily with one distraction.

It’s happened before and I quickly learned this secret of getting it down on paper [or make an electronic note] prior to forgetting something that may have brilliant potential. I often look back at and read through my ideas & notes. Sometimes I’ll think to myself, “How did I even come up with that?” And while reading, I cannot even believe I forgot about this great idea until the very moment of me rereading it days or months later.

Sometimes in my notes I will write certain things people mention to me, Things that they like, their interests or actual products they mentioned. I keep notes for future gift ideas whether it be for the holidays or a birthday.

2. Immerse Yourself In Inspiration Galore

Being surrounded by inspiration is another key feature to the confident woman’s success plan.

Including inspiration [for success] in your daily field of vision can be applied in various forms.  You view your phone several times a day. The background picture can have quite an effect on you, consciously and subconsciously.

Let it be something you desire or aspire to have or to become; A beautiful & healthy physique, money, a home, a garden you want to create, healthy food you want your mind to subconsciously view all day, quotes that bring you serenity or quotes that give you a fuel for success.  

I personally don’t find quotes that others love to put on a wall as decoration to be my style at all. I do however have inspirational quotes elsewhere where I will see them often. They can be a super beneficial addition to your guide to success.

Do this for your computer background if you wish. Vision boards are extremely popular. I remember making them as a preteen with magazine cutouts. It really does affect the brain and can keep you more focused and on the path toward a desired future. 

I love this quote I said in How To Look & Be Better Than Average: An Up-Leveling Guide.

It is important to have an image of the woman you want to become.

It is equally imperative to love yourself as you are in this moment prior to beginning your self-improvement.

The Mini Skirt Files

3. Build Your Profile. Define Yourself, For Yourself 

Building your profile for yourself. Do this for YOU.

This is sort of like my Becoming The Next Level Woman section on The MiniSkirt Files. But yours will be more detailed and not published. I gave a brief description about myself and why I created this site, but I want a little more in depth synopsis for your ABOUT ME section.

I made a small note in my phone that’s a detailed little profile of me including my strengths and qualities but also including qualities I desire to be. However when describing myself with these desired qualities I wish to have, I continue to use the present tense. The whole idea of the “I AM” theory is quite fascinating and does seem to work.  

This is similar to the law of attraction technique of scripting, writing who you are in the present tense and in the “as if” format. Sort of “as if” you already have these goals set.

You can do this in a journal or keep this in your phone. Prior to making your profile, you want to write out and organize your thoughts. 

First: List your strengths. Next: List what needs work and how you plan to improve.

Create an image in your mind of you and who you are becoming. Is she a successful business woman? Is she wearing a sexy office skirt with modest nude heels?

Is she a seductive girl on the dating scene in a red dress with red lips who knows exactly what to say-the perfect mix of sassy and innocent but also impeccably smart?

Is she a raw food chef or any kind of creative chef, or just an amazing cook that people come together for just to simply be in her presence..and the delicious food just makes their experience even more warm and memorable?

I want details!  Write it all down and feel it. This is how to become a successful woman.

Feel how other people feel when they are around you. Imagine their reactions. They love being with you, they’re happy with you, men are delighted to see you…

Then start writing your mini-profile to look at and read often. FEEL IT! EMBODY IT! Build & Become that DREAM WOMAN!

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4. Reach Small Goals Daily: Increase The Feeling Of Achievement

When I first started implementing this into my life, I would make a daily To Do List and think how on earth am I going to get this done today without feeling stressed?

Time management and a focused, happier mindset really helped me actually be able to cross off everything on my To Do List and still have time for leisure or some relaxation in the day. It got to the point of “Hmm, what else can I add to the list today?”

Keep in mind this was small goal setting, I didn’t want to make my list so crazy that I’d be burnt out or exhausted. Please keep that in mind when goal setting. It doesn’t have to be anything physically demanding or mentally exhausting. It can be something simple to start that you aren’t used to completing. 

Today: Organize the bathroom drawer OR Finally schedule the oil change. OR Research how to _________ and take notes since you’ve wanted to learn ____________.

Little daily goals start to become habits. Good habits open more doors and opportunities for success.

It was just intimidating when I first started because I somewhat limited my abilities and self confidence in being able to get things done in a timely manner.

And part of that was due to my lovely previous habit of procrastination. This old habit of mine leads me to my next guide for success…Envisioning. 

5. Envision The Day Ahead

Without a plan in sight, there is a potential trap for complacency.

Complacency is what can keep us from advancing and creating the day we know would bring us closer to becoming our most successful selves.

A smoother day is a result of planning and envisioning ahead of time. Kind of mapping out the structure for the day. How can we use our time efficiently and how can we stay on top of things?

For example if you are in need of groceries, take the time the night before to make note of anything you need in the home such as food, household items, etc. Know where you will be going and have a structured flow set for the day. No need to map out the day hour by hour unless you feel that is necessary.

If you are starting a business, set goals for the day that will bring you steps closer to finally launching that business. Then start to set goals for the month and check in on your progress.

Having a calendar or planner is very beneficial and helps us visually see the day ahead, the weeks ahead and the months ahead.

One year can quickly pass by and if we want to be more successful, it’s a fantastic idea to put some plans and goals throughout. Follow through and check in regularly to see if your goals are being met.

6. Keep Certain Projects A Mystery Until They Are Successful

This one doesn’t have to be necessary, for other’s opinions can be very helpful and provide good insight to the benefit of your project or goals.

There are times however where YOU know best, and others opinions may slow you down from achieving something you truly desire.           

Starting my little business, I only told one person and kept it fairly brief. She gave me some good ideas, but I still felt as though I know what I should do and what’s best.

Personally I feel that keeping your best ideas to yourself can be really empowering and keep the momentum going. If you share some things quite soon, the excitement has potential to fizzle out fast. Not always of course, but I have seen it happen.

Of course you may need to share it for certain purposes and you may want to share with a few close individuals. When you do however have that little secret project going on, it makes it much easier to share the success after it has already blossomed.

7. Be Prepared

Preparation is a large key factor in success.

This also ties in beautifully to the “Envisioning The Day Ahead” section.

When we are working toward any goal, having a sense of preparedness provides us with a sense of ease. It gives us a better flow to our day and to whatever task we are trying to accomplish. This further pushes us along onto a more successful path as we are always ready.

For example, if we want to be successful at work and we have meetings to attend. Having everything with us, in an organized fashion of course, gives us that confident ease about us. We know we are ready. An extra step would be being prepared with answers to potential questions you have thought out in advance that just may come up.

Apply this technique to multiple things, not just a business meeting.

A successful woman always has a few essential pieces with her that she may find necessary. It could be a good pen, one of my favorite pieces as I mentioned in 9 Lady-Like Essentials: Subtle Ways To Be More Feminine . It can be her business card in a pretty holder. Whatever it may be, have a little sense of preparedness.

8. Dress The Part

How do you see a successful woman? This somewhat relates to the “Define Yourself” section you read earlier.

Does she wear a pant suit and have a briefcase? Does she wear a skirt suit with some extra feminine touches?

Is your idea of a successful woman in a classy dress? Even if she’s a T-shirt & Jeans kind of woman, how does she look?

In How To Be The Woman You Want To Be: Up-Leveling Success, I mention the beneficial step of dressing the part. When we begin to dress as this successful woman we have envisioned, the process already begins to take effect.

However you envision yourself as a successful woman, begin to incorporate some elements into your style that bring you closer to becoming that successful woman.

Some women have certain outfits that just flatter them and also provide them with a sense of confidence. I always envisioned myself as feminine but also with some key pieces of structure in my look that really give a Boss-like effect.

In How To Look Feminine At Work: But Still Like A Boss, I explain that creating this effect requires a balance. That perfect balance of structure and femininity.

Clothing has the ability to transform our confidence. Confidence is another key factor in success. All of these steps together can help confidence blossom from within and create a more successful woman.

How To Become A Successful Woman
How to become successful woman
How To Become Successful Woman

The MiniSkirt Files

These files are dedicated to the one who is getting herself together. Becoming who she wants to be. And always further advancing herself to another level above. 💋 Love, The MiniSkirt Files.

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