7 Lovely Tips: How To Have More Feminine Handwriting

This article is to answer the question, how to have more feminine handwriting and how to have prettier handwriting.

The consistency and flow of the letters, the fantastic curves & loops and even the paying attention to detail by simply dotting all of the i’s. There’s just something about looking through vintage love letters that inspires me to have prettier and more feminine handwriting.

Good penmanship has become a touch more rare, but we most definitely can revive this beautiful quality.

What Is Feminine Handwriting?

What is feminine handwriting? Similar to what we know as feminine energy, there is a correspondence in flow in the handwriting.

Letters look can look more curvaceous to emulate femininity, they can be more delicate looking, softer.

But… you can also keep sharp lines and angles in your handwriting and still have it perceived as feminine as you will learn in this article. Also to note, always put in some effort to keep it neat. 

How To Have Prettier Handwriting

To have prettier handwriting, there are some things to consider when writing. Be mindful of Letter sizing, spacing between the letters. The angles, the loops and the curves of the letter.

Is there a consistency in each time you repeat the letters?

One important feature is to keep a good posture and holding the pen in a manner that allows you to freely write in the neatest way possible. This is done through lots of trial and error and a good amount of practice.

Try to keep it as neat as possible. And follow the following tips in the next section, How To Have Feminine Handwriting.

Do remain true to your personality. It’s quite alright to improve yourself, so long you keep that individuality about yourself. Showcase your personality.

How To Have Feminine Handwriting

There is much that goes into proper penmanship and what creates a more feminine handwriting. When wondering how to have more feminine handwriting, it is important to consider the following;

  • A Good Pen
  • Inspiration & Practice
  • Feeling Feminine
  • And Other Special Touches

Keep in mind, these are all suggestions not rules. Select the ones that suit you. Let’s begin with the first suggestion.

A Good Pen

Selecting the right pen for you and your hand, originally, will already improve your handwriting.

When selecting a pen, of course find one that looks nice to you. Along with this, other characteristics are important.

  • Do you simply write neater with a slim pen or one thats a bit thicker? Does the pen allow you to have a good grip?
  • What about the ink flow? Do you prefer ball point pen? An ink pen? Fine point, Medium Point?
  • What about the ink color? Blue or black? Usually the two most acceptable. 

It’s important to develop a sense of what kind of pens suit your writing style or make your writing look a bit nicer and what is most comfortable in your hand.

Practice different pens at the store if possible. Start getting to know what compliments you currently before you even attempt to practice better writing.

I mention a good pen as an essential in these two articles along with many other items to further create a more feminine presence about yourself.

The next step is giving it more feminine personality. At least what most people perceive as feminine. So long as you keep your writing fairly neat and mostly consistent, it will be prettier and more feminine. Quite an attractive quality. 

How To Have More Feminine Handwriting
A Simple Slim Gold Pen That Fits My Hand and Writes With a Smooth Flow

Feminine Stationary

Having lovely paper, envelopes, stamps, etc. just simply coincides better with having your handwriting perceived as more feminine.

The paper need not be completely decorated, just a simple feminine touch such as a beautiful monogram at the top or some unique design in the corner. Even just the quality or color of the paper can create this effect.

The stationary itself brings a feminine essence and an energy. It can simply and swiftly change your feel as I will discuss further down in {Feeling More Feminine: Mood & Energy}.

Pretty, Feminine Stationery. Always Have A Small Collection Ready to Be Used.


Look at samples of writing you admire or find feminine looking fonts that you’d like to emulate and be inspired by Not to copy, but inspired by. 

Always keep a sense of yourself in this, we are not looking to completely change ourselves, just perhaps improving our legibility, or simply wanting a touch of femininity in our notes.

Print some samples our, make a small collage of them. Save some in your phone or computer for inspiration to look at.


Print out some practice sheets with tracing paper above them. Start tracing single letters and then move on to words. Or simply do as you see fit.

Adapting your hand to these movements will train it to write nicer and perhaps more feminine if you have selected a font that has a feminine look and feel to you.

Feeling More Feminine: Mood & Energy

When you are surrounded by feminine things or in a room that has a feminine feel to it, it seems as if you simply absorb that femininity. Those pretty fresh flowers, those little feminine touches, all this can simply put you in a different mood further creating a more feminine handwriting.

  • Be in a feminine space when writing or practicing
  • Have fresh flowers, a pretty vase or a pretty painting nearby.

This article of mine goes a bit more in depth on feeling more feminine;

Learn Or Re-learn Cursive

Cursive writing seems to be old fashioned, but there is such a charm in it. There’s just a loveliness, a simplicity yet a sharp attention to detail about it.

For those who haven’t used this technique of writing in a while, perhaps you may be inspired to re-learn it, give it some practice.

Vintage letters beautifully exhibit this darling, almost forgotten way of writing.

Practice Calligraphy

Once you have mastered your handwriting, you can try new techniques such as calligraphy.

It’s that extra special touch on lettering that can set it apart even further.

It’s more about technique itself such as the angle of the pen, the pressure applied during certain strokes, extending the letters and connection the letters in a strategic design.

What a special way to add even more personality to your improved handwriting.

Practice Makes Perfect.
A Nice Little Book To Practice in & do Some Tracing.

The purpose of this post was to provide my tips on how to have more feminine handwriting. Hopefully you are inspired and have a lovely pen & paper to begin.

How To Have Feminine Handwriting
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