An effortless way to look seductive without trying lies in your habits, your behaviors, and your overall aura. With the use of body language, mysterious ways, and colors & scents that heighten the senses, we are able to create this effect.
This article will discuss how to be seductive without trying.
1. Know That Body Language Speaks On Your Behalf
There are very obvious forms of seductive body language. They are very effective. You do not however always have to take the aggressive route. There are coy ways to exhibit seductive body language.
Some innocent flirty cues are always effective. A gentle touch of your collarbone or décolletage area. Moving your hair from one side to another. Getting close to someone to say something so they can hear you better.
Another form of body language is in the way we walk. Heels have the ability to completely change our walk. When we have developed a good practice in them of course.
2. Use Your Eyes Effectively
Eyes have the ability to communicate in a similar manner as body language. Have you ever made eye contact with someone and just feel that little something inside? Maybe butterflies, or just a sense of comfort.
Eye to eye contact forms a connection between two people whether it be romantic, platonic, or a business partnership.
Practice the way you look at someone. Look at yourself in the mirror. Learn to not shy away from making eye contact and holding a gaze for just a little longer than you normally would.
Intensify this eye contact with sensually enhanced eyes. Emphasize your pretty eyes with a good mascara and application technique. If false lashes are your preference, feel free to use them after finding the right set for your eyes. Just a bit of eyeliner or a smudge of eyeshadow can have a mesmerizing effect without looking to heavy on the eyes.
After you are dolled up just a bit, further intensify this eye contact with a different kind of gaze. When you tilt your head down and look up just a bit, it creates such an intense seductive feeling. Now this one you have to be careful with as it could seem like we are “trying” here. And Trying would be the opposite of the effortless seduction we are going for.
3. Remain Approachable But Mysterious
Have an approachable look, but slightly mysterious.
Almost as if you have a secret you’re hiding. There is something about a mysterious woman that is so enticing and seductive to a man. They like a slight hint of “danger,” danger meaning the unknown.
A smile for example is very approachable. A closed smile with a twinkle in your eye is approachable but simultaneously mysterious.
4. Know That The Color Red Ignites A Fire, A Desire Within.
There is a psychology to this color. It symbolizes many things, but among them are my favorites such as Passion, Romance, and Sensuality.
Red can make a woman appear sexier. Our cheeks and lips flush when we are aroused. Red is such a sensual, seductive color simply because it ties to that very fact.
Use of this color need not be in large amounts. Although it is a very sexy color in the form of a dress, red can also be used in small details to ignite that same seductive effect.
A Red Lip. Red Heels. Red Nails. Just a hint of red in our look is enough to create that seduction without the look of intent.
5. Know That There’s Something In the Way You Sit
Your posture while sitting is similar to when we discussed how body language speaks on your behalf. Be mindful of your posture at all times, especially when you sit.
Legs are important here as well. Have them crossed in a lady-like manner or tucked behind one another and to the side. Slouching or sitting with your legs open won’t give off that seductive effect, not in a classy way.
Have a certain confidence about you. Posture alone will create a confident appearance when sitting.
Just a few Don’ts :
x Try to avoid fidgeting while sitting.
x When reaching to get something at the table, don’t just grab it aggressively. Have a softness in your approach.
6. Highlight A Dazzling Feature Of Yours
What is that special little something you have about you? I’m being serious, there is something each one of us have that is a dazzling excitement to someone else.
Obvious features could be a delicate figure, a curvaceous full figure, a toned and strong figure. A full head of hair, pouty lips, gorgeous dark skin that looks perfect shimmering in the sun. Piercing eyes, sweet innocent eyes, a pretty smile, long long legs, whatever it may be that you know is dazzling about you, heighten it.
Less obvious dazzling features [that can really captivate just as much as sexy looks], include a zest for life, adventurous personality, craftiness, business oriented, funny, clever, witty, sassy, humble, generous, a nurturing manner. There are so many qualities that are incredibly sexy in another’s eyes. And have the ability to in fact seduce.
I know some men who were extremely shallow and later on were smitten by a less obviously sexy woman’s ability to just captivate them with other sexy qualities. One was infatuated with a woman who loved adventure, would just get up and travel the world. She was very free spirited, was bare faced with no makeup, and not a “typical beauty” but indeed was seen as beautiful.
Her ability to be so care-free was most definitely dazzling. I’m even dazzled by it!
7. Heighten The Senses With A Provocative Scent
The power of perfume and scent lies in the fact that it creates an entire ambiance .
Scent is very personal. Two of my favorite scents are in the image below. For me, it does not matter if a scent is “overrated” or too “simple” or even “too complex” to some.
It is about the effect the perfume has on me. And on the seducee 😉
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8. Have A Little Secret Something That Ignites Confidence
Lingerie. Perfume. A Power Outfit that gives you confidence.
Perhaps you have a certain phrase or quote that inspires your confident woman within to flourish.
Maybe you admire other women who have this seductive effect on men, perhaps the ladies of Old Hollywood Glamour. Read about them, or their biographies. Have something that just ignites a confidence within you to unleash the effortless seductress within.
9. How To Be Seductive: Other {My Favorite} Tips
This article has primarily been about looking seductive. That’s the first part of seduction since most men are very visual and physical creatures supposedly.
>>> However, true captivation occurs when the woman is so darn irresistible and has within her the other factors of seduction. <<<
That is; her personality, sense of self, an aura, an entire collection of behaviors. In The MiniSkirt Files, [Specifically the Successful Woman Files] I have many written pieces in helping other women become better versions of themselves so we can all become a more up-leveled version of ourselves together.
I’ll list a few of my favorites, but don’t be shy in taking a look through any articles you may gravitate towards. All the best, The Miniskirt Files.
- 11 Up-Leveling Tips: How To Look & Be Better Than Average
- How To Be Than Woman You Want To Be: Up-Leveling Success
- How To Upgrade Yourself; 30 Ideas To Have By Your 30’s
This piece was all about how to look seductive without trying, how to look more seductive, how to be seductive, how to be sexually attractive, how to seduce a man, how to be sexier for your man.
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