Self Improvement Tips. 8 Lessons To A Better You.
These 8 important lessons will help you better yourself, become the best version of yourself and help anyone climb a level above than where they currently are.
Note that there are MANY ideas and lessons to consider when improving yourself, however, I do find these 8 to be very valuable. These are just a few observations and important parts of leveling up.
I created these 8 mini lessons and self improvement tips to inspire admiration of the self, in a non vain way, and a desire to self improve. It’s also a mini plan to help you level up.
1. Your Health Truly Is Wealth. Health Must Be Prioritized.
I MUST start with this. Self improvement is beginning with the inner most self. The quality of life seems to increase when you take care of yourself. You become more vibrant, you radiate joy, you begin to see the little beauties and simple pleasures in life and truly find gratitude in them. Energy levels shift.
I remember when I was in my teens and junk food, sugary treats and sodas ruled my menu. Daily. Feeling sluggish, looking puffy and lack of energy was “normal.”
I was 19 when I was up late one night and an infomercial came on for a juicer. Long story short, I was inspired, needed a shift and purchased the juicer shortly after.
I started juicing and omitting some of the fun foods, leaving a little room for moderation. I cannot express to you the clarity my mind began to feel, the energy my body started to be blessed with, and again, the quality of each day increased so beautifully.
Start small. For example; Less sugary foods on day one. Replace soda with herbal tea on day two. Start incorporating a smoothie 3 times a week. Then increase. Little steps will eventually create large changes.
Please take care of your incredible body, mind and spirit.
2. Direction Must Be Determined | Envision The Road Ahead. Create The Road Map.
So lets break this lesson down.
- Direction Must Be Determined. What direction are you headed in? What is your goal? Or who do you see yourself as? Determine this and ask yourself questions.
- Envision The Road Ahead. Provide the answers to your questions. Give the details. Details, details, details!
{Save For Later: Read No. 3 | Build Your Profile In The Article Below for a good idea on details and becoming the woman/person you want to become}.
- Create The Road Map. Now that you have a vision, the details of that vision, you need to create a plan, the steps to becoming this self improved person.
Create steps to incorporate your daily habits, weekly habits and monthly habits.
Save This Article For Later:
3. Timelines And Due Dates. A Must Must Must.
Don’t underestimate the power of giving yourself a due date, a date when one of your goals is expected to be completed.
Remember having assignments, papers and presentations due for school or work? Having a date when your work is expected to be done helps to ensure that you actually Get. It. Done.
Now, the idea here is not to try and get it all done without preparation and just getting it done for the sake of getting it done. You do want to have a realistic date with ample time to plan, prepare and execute.
Purchase a planner and set some dates. I usually create goals or tasks for the month. Then weekly goals to support my monthly goals.
Self Improvement Example: I want to be more leveled up and appear more organized.
Level Up Goals For Month 1:
Clean Car
Clean Purse
Clean Closet
Organize My Office Area
You may want to clean your car the first week of the month. Perhaps week two you may want to buy organizers for your office and then organize the office. Set monthly and weekly goals and the due dates for them.
You may be surprised to find yourself completing more than one of your tasks and actually get ahead.
Start Now!
4. Self Admiration & Acceptance As You Are In This Moment.
It is important to have a vision of the woman you want to become. However, it is imperative that you love yourself as you are in this moment prior to your self improvement.
Love, The MiniSkirt Files
Perhaps one of the most important self improvement tips is to love and accept the person that you are in this moment. Then, you can build the self to the next level.
5. The Pace & Direction Of Others Differs Than Yours. Do Not Be Discouraged. Be Inspired Instead.
You may use other’s success as a guideline or a form of inspiration. It’s quite important to value your successes regardless of how large others successes seem in comparison.
There is much value in admiring other’s achievements. Don’t be discouraged. There are so many people, who may be similar to you, who you can find, relate to and be inspired by. Whether they are in your neighborhood, or even on YouTube, there are people who may resonate with your situation.
Be happy and proud for those who create success through their hard work. Follow in their footsteps and create your own footsteps in the path. Leave your mark as well, darling.
6. People Can Be Of Great Influence. Be Very Selective With Whom You Are Spending Time With.
With whom you spend great time with, you are more likely to absorb their personality traits. Some negative traits can rub onto you. If you do plan on spending time with those of perhaps, not how you see yourself as, be cognizant of not letting their qualities alter yours.
Remain true to yourself, and always seek being the best version of that self.
7. Similar Concept To Lesson 6: Be Selective With WHAT You Are Doing.
Time is valuable. We know this, yet we sometimes mindlessly allow bad habits to take a fairly large portion of our time. An example is watching T.V. that serves us no purpose. Sure, sometimes you just want to watch a show you can relax to or just have a form of entertainment. That is quite alright. Do be cognizant of the time spent doing so.
Time toward your goals and self improvement, or time with loved ones, is far far better and can be much more purposeful.
8. Document Goals. Build On Those Goals, Make Them Next Level.
Once you begin completing goals, and actually may do so much quicker than anticipated. You may want to build on these goals, add more to them and make them a level above.
I remember giving myself a few goals to complete in the month. Similar to the goals I mentioned in lesson 3, I wanted to have myself a bit more organized, and all of my spaces organized for that matter.
I noticed fairly quickly, goals I thought would take an entire month to complete, were completed in less than 1/2 of the time initially planned for.
I added more things I wanted to organize, I even was able to build a better wardrobe (parts of it). I become much more “up-leveled” and rather quickly, more so than anticipated.
Be sure to read, Top Secrets On How To Be THAT Woman, and How To Be A Confident Woman: At Work & In Life for more tips on being a better version of yourself.