21 💋 Tips How To Be Soft And Feminine: How To Be Softer As A Woman

What do men find irresistible? A soft woman, my darling.

How to be soft and feminine and how to be softer as a woman.

Yes a soft woman may seem delicate, dainty and feminine.  Let this not however be mistaken for malleability or an eagerness to please.

A soft woman may have a delicate look and the ability to bring a nurturing feel to all she does, but she does however retain her strong sense of self and strong mind.

All of these tips may not resonate with you. However, you may find a few that speak to you and feel easy to implement into your daily life. Sometimes applying just one tip can create a dramatic and noticeable difference that can result in others seeing you as softer and you actually feeling softer and more feminine. 

This is in no way designed for you to completely reinvent yourself. There is a beauty to each and every lady. This is simply an article of observations, tips and lessons I learned through trial & error, and a collection of suggestions that you can either enjoy to read or apply into your life. 

Small changes, a little improvement here and there and a little change from time to time is quite alright. BUT ALWAYS have a love and appreciation for the woman you already are.

How To Be Soft And Feminine : What Men Find Irresistible

In this article we will focus on key traits that create a more soft and feminine woman – traits men find irresistible.

Different parts of our looks & behavior will include;

  • The Physical Appearance
  • Strategic Use Of Color
  • Attitude & Persona
  • Mannerisms & Behavior
  • Our Walk & Our Talk

Let’s begin with the most obvious and perhaps the most simple way to bring in that softening effect. Enhancing our beauty.

The Physical Appearance


The use of makeup can beautifully enhance our already feminine features. For example, lengthen and darken our long long lashes with mascara or add a feminine curl with just a curler.

What if some of our features aren’t that typical, youthful and pretty and girly?

Makeup, along with other strategies, can also actually soften our not-so-feminine features which creates an overall softer and more feminine look.

In My TOP SECRETS To Make Your Face Look More Feminine, I write about how I create an overall more feminine appearance despite not having that cute button nose, pouty lips, and all those other hyper feminine, highly coveted features.

From that article, here are some of my favorite “softening tips” in the Softening Makeup Section:

  • Using A Soft Shimmer On The High Points Of The Face
  • Line Eyes With Dark Brown Eyeliner Instead Of Black
  • Line Eyes Partially Whether Its The Lids Or Waterline
  • Blush is A Super Softener and Super Feminizing !!


The fabric and the cut and details of clothing alone can create a softening effect. Add color and it creates quite the effect (discussed further in this article in “Strategic Use Of Color”).

Feminine fabrics drape the body beautifully. The offer a softening look. Specifically Chiffon, Satin and Silk I notice to do so. When feminine details are added to a garment they can quickly add an element of softness and girlishness yet retain a sense of class and elegance if done properly.

Below is a small table of examples to add some femininity and softness into your wardrobe through the use of fabric and details.

Feminine FabricsSilk, Chiffon, Satin, Tulle, Rayon, Cotton, Linen
Feminine DetailsRuffles, Ruching, Gathering, Draping
Silk-Like Camisoles Have a Sofetning & Feminizing Effect
Such a Soft & Feminine Blouse. I’d personally Pair With Something Super High-Waisted to Keep it Modest


The crowning glory. The way it moves, the way the vibrant color catches the light, and the scent it carries. Our hair can be super feminine and enticing.

Fret not if your hair is short, or if you have a buzz cut or pixie cut. In Look Feminine With Short Hair: Up-Leveling Your Sex Appeal, I provide so many tips in creating that overall feminine softness we keep speaking of.

A little tip for the ladies with shoulder length or long hair, give the ends of your hair a little curl. It’s a super softening effect that’s actually low maintenance. You can use a straightener to quickly curl the ends inward for a less curly luck, but still creating a soft effect.

This tip alone brought a softness to my look. Sometimes I would just take one side of my hair, almost like a side swept bang (but longer) and give it a slight curl, then brush it out.

Strategic Use Of Color

Soft colors will soften the appearance of the subject they are on. Soft color use in makeup and in clothing together will create a more feminine and delicate look.

In How To Look Feminine At Work: But Still Like A BOSS, I show how to add softness and femininity to a work wardrobe. The perfect blend created with elements of boss and profession, along with softness & femininity.

Soft colors and feminine colors can be but are not limited to;

  • Soft Pinks
  • Ivory
  • Cream
  • Sage
  • Lavender
  • Pastels
  • Dusty Pinks, Mauves, Blues

Earlier we discussed softening/feminine fabrics These colors and fabrics have the ability to bring a sense of femininity when touching them, looking at them, or simply wearing them.

There have been studies suggesting that the color pink can have a calming effect and was actually used in jail cells in an attempt to create more tranquility in aggressive inmates.

How To Be Softer As A Woman

Attitude & Persona

Here are just a few words that beautifully exhibit that soft and feminine woman. Give some thought to these words. Try to emulate some of their effect.

  • Tender
  • Nurturing
  • Comforting
  • Gentle
  • Graceful
  • Calming
  • Soft-spoken
  • Sweet
  • Innocence

Again, we are not completely reinventing our persona. We are uniquely and proudly individual. We are simply adding a dash of “softness” to the woman who would like to do so.

Mannerisms & Behavior

Our mannerisms from the way we move our hands, to the way we walk, to the way we speak is a large representation of ourselves that contributes to our overall presence.

Feeling more feminine can help us create more feminine movements. This can of course be done by wearing feminine colors and garments but there is much more depth to capturing that feeling than looks alone. In How To Feel More Feminine: Womanly Approach, I touch on looks but go further beneath that to discover some ways to feel more feminine and create a softness about ourselves.

You may also enjoy; Look & Be More Delicate: Body Language, Looks, & Behaviors.


Keep hands looking pretty. Avoid harsh or abrupt manly movements. Try to avoid grabbing things with force. When pressing an elevator button, avoid hitting it aggressively. Have a certain softness about you.

Some articles of mine that will further give you that feminine effect;

The Walk

Posture. Posture is important. With good posture comes a gracefulness in your walk.

Walk The Walk. Practice your walk. Do it in front of a mirror. Video tape yourself and then analyze. Is your gait graceful? Do you walk like you are in a rush when you are not?

What do you like about your walk? What would you like to improve?

Shoes & Feet. Shoes have an effect on the way we walk. Heels amplify that feminine factor along with a dash of sex appeal. Keep it modest with flats or kitten heels. In my piece, How To Make Feet Look Feminine: In Shoes, Socks & Bare, you may find some more helpful insight.

Voice & Speaking

Never lose your voice. I mean this in a sense of never feel you have to be quiet and remain silent in order to appear softer. A strong mind can pair beautifully with a soft demeanor. 

“A strong mind can pair beautifully with a soft demeanor.”

The MiniSkirt Files

Delete the cussing. Try not to shout, especially in an area where others will easily hear you. I’ve seen this in ladies so often. Perhaps they don’t know how loud their voice is, but it most certainly can draw attention in a negative way. 

Common manners are expected and always appreciated. Please & Thank you. There were countless times when I had opened the door for someone and they neglected to say thank you. 

An extra soft tip: Have a certain “breathiness” in the way you speak. A gentle softness. Marilyn Monroe did this perfectly for her time era. Now it may seem a bit exxaggerted, but we can still pull a little inspirtation from it. Just a hint of breathiness, and use it from time to time.

Interesting studies concluded that a breathiness in a voice was considered more feminine.

Have An Ease About Yourself

No fidgeting, Biting nails, or Looking stressed and frazzled.

There is a gracefulness that is apparent when you are being SOFT. 

Be Mindful Of Your Expressions

How do you react to things? Be a bit more aware . Sometimes our facial expressions can roughen our attempt to appear softer.

Making sarcastic looks, rolling eyes, frowns; These can backtrack that softness. 

Sure we may do them from time to time, especially if we’re silly gals. It’s just one little thing to keep in mind when you want to appear soft. 

How To Be Soft With A Man: How To Be Soft In A Relationship

To be soft with a man and to be soft in a relationship, implement the above strategies and tips to feel more soft and feminine as a woman. Read further and make note of some key things to avoid when trying to be soft in a relationship.

Try To Limit / Avoid:

Ultimatums, criticism, comparisons made in attempt to receive a reaction of jealousy .

For example, comparing your man to another man you feel is “ superior” to him in hopes he will “recognize his faults and become more like this man.”

Sure it can do what you may be intending it to do, however with this can come destruction. Specifically the trust, the desire and the respect in the relationship.

Have A Gentle Approach

A gentle approach to discussing things is far more effective than an aggressive attempt to get a point across. If a man hears blaming, nagging or even the simple “We need to talk,” walls can come up immediately.

Some Details To ReCap:

Avoid Grabbing Things Aggressively

Don’t Push People, Even When Joking

Don’t Sit With Your Legs Apart

Don’t Walk Fast or Aggressively

Don’t Roll Eyes or Give Sarcastic Looks

Don’t Fidget or Bite Nails

Don’t Cuss Or Use Profanity
Do’sDo Wear Feminine Fabrics & Colors

Do Develop A Graceful Walk

Do Have A Gentle Approach To Things
[Physically & Verbally]

NOTE: Improvement Is Lovely.
But Do Appreciate Yourself As You Are

Prior To Improvement.

How To Be Soft
How To Look Seductive Without Trying: Keys To Captivation

This article was created to offer suggestions and insights on how to be soft and feminine. It also addresses the question, “How to be softer as a woman, and what men find irresistible.”

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