How to look feminine, How to look delicate.
A delicate woman.
There is a darling innocence about her that can be quite irresistible. So long as you have a womanly-ness about you, there can be a “child-like something” to balance.
To create a delicate look & be a delicate woman, we start by further highlighting our already delicate or feminine features. By adding soft colors, delicate clothing items and combining this with gentle, feminine mannerisms and behaviors we result in a more delicate overall look and presence.
A woman may have a delicate body. Another woman can be delicate in her facial features. And another woman can possess such delicate & feminine mannerisms, that a man is instantly turned on by her from afar.
Appearing More Delicate: A Delicate Look. A Strong Mind
It is ALL about STRIKING THE PERFECT BALANCE. In no way are you to be delicate in every aspect unless that is truly you. Look at yourself, your characteristics, your behaviors. In what way to you want to add a dash of delicate into your overall presence?
Add a bit of delicate into your mannerisms, body language, voice, or overall look with clothing, accessories, and makeup.
Though we are looking at becoming a bit more delicate, never lessen the emotional or mental strength you have as a woman. Always be proud of who you are. And it is acceptable to want to change a few things about ourselves, but it is so crucial the we love ourselves as we are prior to focusing on our little changes.
I want to mention a quote I stated in How To Look & Be Better Than Average: An Up-Leveling Guide
It is important to have an image of the woman you want to become.
It is equally imperative that you love yourself as you are in this moment prior to beginning your self improvement.
The MiniSkirt Files
To be considered more delicate and feminine, you can focus on an area of YOU as a woman that you’d like to soften up a bit. Look at your overall appearance and presence and see where you can soften up, become more delicate.
This does not mean hiding our strengths as woman. This is simply finding a balance.
Why Men Find Delicate Women Attractive:
I was often scrutinized for being naturally thin & delicate growing up, well into high school and even into my 20’s. The humorous part of this is that most of the people who gave me an issue were other gals before they got to know me. And the males who took part in this? Ended up falling for me.
It took me up until the ripe age of 26 to finally & absolutely love my delicate looks & my feminine nature. For the ladies who naturally have this “problem” I’ll let you in on a few reasons why its a fascinating trait to have. And for those who want to look or be a bit more delicate, do keep reading for my favorite tips.
So Why Do Men Like “Delicate Looking” Women?
Keep in mind all men are different, this is not a scientific explanation although there is some science behind this I have read in some of my most favorite books. These are some things I have assessed while dating or speaking to different men.
- A delicate woman makes a man look more masculine with her femininity. She will often even bring out his masculinity more due to his natural desire to protect. They do love to protect a delicate lady.
A delicate woman is considered more elegant. Men love to have an elegant woman by their side. This compliments them as a strong manly man. - A woman with delicate mannerisms & behaviors is seen as super feminine, more gentle and nurturing. Men are turned on by this quality and are naturally drawn to a caring woman.
- A delicate woman is also seen as less competitive to a man. Less argumentative. Less likely to emasculate him in front of others.
None of these however mean you should change yourself because something about you is not perceived as “delicate”. Remember Striking the right balance? If you feel something is a bit masculine about you, balance it out with another feminine or delicate trait.
Like I had mentioned, look at all the little details about you that create your over look and presence. Where do you want to fit in a little “delicate”?
How To Look Feminine: The Delicate Touches

To make an outfit more feminine, we need to think delicate. Inspiration: Ballerina Slippers. Ruffles. Chiffon. Satin.
Bring in some delicate touches to your basic items.
Additions like Silks, Satins, Bows on shoes. Light delicate colors in accessories. Neutral or pink nails. Pearls . Dainty accessories.
Delicate fabrics: Chiffon, Silk, Satin, Linen , Fabric With a Sheen, Fabric With Sheerness.
More Feminine & Delicate Additions:
- Ruffles on a Blouse or Top.
Especially in areas you would like to accentuate. - Pearl buttons on blouse or dress
- Super Thin Straps on a Top or Dress
- Scalloped Tops & Dresses
- Draped Tops & Dresses emulating a Grecian Goddess
- Crochet or Knit Design
- Form Fitted Clothing if you like your shape and want to focus on the feminine frame & physique.
- Flowing Tops & Dresses for a lighter but feminine fit
- Simple Pearl Earring or Necklace
- Bow or Pretty Clip in Your Hair
- Neutral Colored Nails
- Shoes With Feminine Details (example: bows)
- Keep it Minimal. One – Two Rings Per Hand. I knew a woman who worked at a vert high end classy store with a very strict dress code. The ladies were limited to only one ring per hand to keep it classy-minimal.
- Soft Colors: Neutrals, Nudes, Creams, Blush, Pinks, Pastels, Light Sage

Keep in Mind:
Lace is pretty & feminine, however it can come with a lot of sex appeal and a more seductive effect. To keep lace a bit neutral, select it in nude & cream colors or blush tones.
The color red in general is more on the sexy spectrum but still classy. To amplify sex appeal, add red. To tone down sexiness and create more of a delicate sweet innocence, use pinks, nudes, and creams instead. To make makeup look more delicate, keep lips nude or pink. Add a gentle shimmer on cheeks for a sweet innocence.
These tips by no means are rules. they can be broken always if you can find a way to balance your look. Always have fun & find some delight in getting yourself ready each day.
All Images On My Site, Are My Own. Perfect They Are Not. I Did However Want To Remain As Authentic & Original As Possible.
Love, The MiniSkirt Files

How To Be More Feminine and Delicate: Body Language & Mannerisms
To be perceived as more delicate and feminine; Think Fluidity and Gracefulness.
Inspiration: Dancers. Notice how they move with grace & ease.
Regardless of how you look or what what your body looks like, your mannerisms can create a softness and delicateness about you. And Body language is part of attraction.

WALK THE WALK. Practice walking. Practice in the mirror. Record yourself walking & study yourself. Create the walk you wish to have. Confident strut? Or a sexy but shy walk? You decide. You create.
POSES & POSTURE. When standing, have a soft presence about yourself. You can create a little shyness with your poses. Not weakness. We are just creating somewhat of another persona. It’s playful.
Posture is important. Always. Especially when you walk & are being seen.
HANDS. Study lady-like behaviors. Have a lady-like etiquette about yourself. Notice how hands are gentle when placing things, picking things up. Nothing is harsh and abrupt.
FLIRTY PLAYFUL LIGHTNESS. Need I address the typical flirtatious body language & behaviors? They do indeed work in feminizing someone. Playing with your a hair a little, placing your hand on your collarbone, batting you lashes just a touch.. All of these are classic moves and truly feminize along with creating a delicateness about you. I don’t care how cheesy it seems ;). If done correctly, it works beautifully.
OTHER MANNERISMS & BEHAVIORS [No Rules, Just Suggestions]
How To Look Feminine
AVOID CUSSING. If you do swear, do incorporate other delicate attributes into your overall appearance and presence. Try replacing cuss words with less severe words to express yourself.
AVOID BLOWING NOSE in public, If you must do so, do it gently. Don’t make it heard. Dab your nose. Try not to draw attention and excuse yourself if need be.
AVOID HARSH MOVEMENTS for example pushing around while joking like men do. Try to avoid being so physical. No physical altercations. A gentle push or nudge with your shoulder instead when playing around is much more suitable for a delicate lady. Another example is something small such as opening a door. Some people just fling it open and slam it shut. Pushing an elevator button. So small but slamming your hands on it seems can make you seem vulgar. Try to be more observant of your movements.
DO NOT feel bad if you do any of these behaviors. If you want to improve some of your mannerisms, do so at your own desire. Know that many of us have been there. Being more observant of yourself & others around you can be such an eye opener. Ok lets continue in to one of my favorites…
ENCOURAGE & ACCEPT CHIVALRY and being treated like a lady. Allow someone to open the door for you and kindly thank them. Accept a compliment. On a date, let a man open the car door or pull out a chair. I think we know and men know we can be independent. However, I do find the “old fashioned” chivalrous behaviors quite endearing. Its almost as delightful as receiving an actual compliment.
How To Look More Feminine: Behaviors & Attitude
As I have stated before, physical looks are just a part of your overall presence. Marilyn Monroe with her sexy bombshell physique still had a delicate air about her self created by her voice and behaviors.
A GENTLE VOICE creates a delicate aura.
Keep in mind combinations are incredible. Though a sweet higher pitched voice results in being seen as more delicate, a sexy, sultry deep voice is beautiful, seductive and mysterious. If you have one, but want to be seen as more gentle, you can still incorporate the dozens of other tips to balance out that sex appeal it may give off.
Remember, we are not downplaying our strengths or the fact of being sure of ourselves. Just remember to balance it with some modesty and be humble.
Please never hide your intelligence. Remain “ever-learning.” Having a curious nature about yourself and having a desire to learn is in fact feminine and thus delicate, as well as strong. Knowledge is also power. With knowledge comes opportunity. Please always continue to grow into your best being.
We Do Not Blossom Over Night. We Step One Heel In Front Of The Other & Continue To Improve. Let This Be A Delightful Experience.
Love The MiniSkirt Files