My TOP SECRETS To Make Your Face Look More Feminine: For A Non-Typical Beauty

Make Your Face Look More Feminine : When You Don’t Have That Typical Feminine Look

Addressing First: What makes a face considered feminine?

The “TYPICAL” Answer: Facial features & characteristics such as a high forehead, thin eye brows, full lips, large eyes, small chin, rounded face, and an upturned perky nose indicate youth, fertility and femininity.

What if we don’t exactly have these features and are reluctant to the drastic measure of plastic surgery?

Make Your Face Look More Feminine Naturally

To make your face look more feminine, you need to adapt some strategic elements of femininity & softness to your overall look & appearance, overall presence, and mannerisms. With the use of makeup, fabric, color, and other techniques, a softer look is easily created.

I most certainly do not have these hyper feminine features listed above yet most people perceive me as super feminine. There are many little tips and tricks I have discovered in trial and error that I’d love to share in hopes of you enjoying them and successfully applying them if you wish to.

Let me preface this with a quote I stated in my post “How To Look And Be Better Than Average
It is important to have an image of the woman you want to become.

It is equally imperative that you love yourself as you are in this moment prior to beginning your self-improvement. “

The Mini Skirt Files | How To Look & Be Better Than Average : An Up-Leveling Guide

All Images On My Site, Are My Own. Perfect They Are Not. I Did However Want To Remain As Authentic & Original As Possible.Love, The MiniSkirt Files.

Love, The MiniSkirt Files

How To Look & Be More Feminine: A Brief Introduction

Femininity can be exaggerated by our looks and our mannerisms. To be more feminine we must oppose the masculine qualities.

This does not mean to downplay our strength. It means to play up our differences amongst a man.

If you’ve studied the art of femininity or read my other written pieces, you may have an idea of what looks seem to be Feminine; Facially & Physically.  We gravitate toward the small & delicate features to identify as more feminine.

Features like a small nose, long hair, higher cheekbones, plump lips: features that are heightened by a higher estrogen level according to science. And further according to science, men are attracted to these features, along with other feminine attributes like a smaller waist and larger hips, and breasts & bottoms, due to their desire to procreate.

How To Soften Your Look: Soften Harsh Facial Features | NO. 1-4

We can soften our strong facial features with proper use of makeup, accessories, fabrics, and colors that together will add an overall softer presence.

I have pointy nose with a bump, pointier chin and small lips that don’t soften my other features. I love the fierce look that features can give but I also want some softness to retain a feminine aura about me. 

Don’t be ashamed if you have a strong look! Strong is exceptionally beautiful. Please look at my article “How to be striking” where strong features can make heads turn.

I do however understand the desire to change, and the fun in changing up our look and many times I had a desire myself to look softer. The softer look is associated with femininity, daintiness, youthfulness and just looks more approachable.

Let’s begin with my favorite & self-learned tips through trial and error that lead me to address the concern of “how to make your face look more feminine.”


NO. 1. Fabrics & Colors That Soften
NO. 2. Use Accessories
NO 3. Hair Style + Texture
NO. 4. Hair Colors + Strategic Balayage
NO. 5. Proper & Strategic Use Of Makeup [How To Soften Your Facial Features With Makeup]

Other Techniques will be discussed further into the article including How To Look Younger WITHOUT Makeup, How To Look More Feminine As You Age, & How To Look Feminine With Short Hair.



  • Satin
  • Silk
  • Fabrics With Some Sheen
  • Slightly See-through Fabric
  • Chiffon
  • Added Ruffles


  • Mauves
  • Dusty Pinks Lavenders and Blues
  • Pastels
  • Soft Nudes
  • Light Sage
  • Pearlescent
  • Ivory
  • Light Grey

Make sure to select the proper tone for your skin [Warm, Neutral, Cool] in any color you chose.

All of these Fabrics & Colors Create – Softness, Delicateness, Femininity & an ability to SOFTEN an overall look.


Adorn Your Hair With:

  • Bows or Ribbon, Use Your Feminine Creativity to Make a Hair Piece With Ribbon You Have From Gift Wrapping
  • Headband or Hair Clip in your hair to add some asymmetry or create a slight distraction.

Adorn Your Body With Jewelry:

  • Bangles or Bracelets on your arms
  • Dainty Necklaces
  • Earrings

All accessories can help balance your overall look helping to soften your facial features.

Jewelry and interesting or pretty accessories can dazzle. They can act as a distraction. And they can tell a story.

The Mini Skirt Files

CASE STUDY: EVA MENDES | Strong Features, Yet Feminine & Playful Softness

You do not have to have the sweet, delicate features typically seen as feminine, to be considered feminine, soft, or girly.

Eva Mendes has very strong facial features; not your typical sweet feminine face although still gorgeous. The most prominent feature I notice is her jaw which can be more prevalent in certain pictures. A stunning woman despite this strong attribute.

Google her name, along with the words “dress,” “outfits,” or “pretty.”

Notice how she softens her features, she doesn’t hide them. See my tips in the next section on softening features with makeup. Soft fabrics & colors also add elements of femininity. She often wears pretty dresses, very ladylike ones. Most often she wears pastel colors for another element of softness.

In this piece I go further into detail about having a delicate look and appearance, Look & Be More Delicate: Body Language, Looks & Behaviors.

Silky Bows

How To Soften Your Look & Facial Features: Strategic Hair


Curls usually don’t look good on my fierce features. I have seen them however to look vey sweet on soft features like a rounded cheeks, an up-turned feminine nose. They also look great on a curvier body.

Instead of curls, waves work well with my features. Layers are a nice distraction and can help to soften the fierceness. It is important to figure out how short or long or how many layers work well with your face. “If I cut my layers here, how will I look? If I add some long layers here, will it balance my features & whole face more?” Start to think of how this will affect your OVERALL look.

Braid your bangs back with some wispy layers sticking out. The braid adds some texture and I’ve noticed texture to offset or [balance rather] some of the “harsh-ness.”

If your hair is up or in a ponytail, I noticed pulling a few loose strands out to lay near my face really soften my features. Some wispy strands just to frame my face & take away the severe look my sharp features.

Angled Bangs, Deep Side Part, Wispy bangs, Baby Hair, Volume in Hair, French Messy Chic. If you google and research some french women. They don’t have to be famous. You can simply type “chic french women” or french hair. You will actually see many of them have features that we are trying to soften ourselves.


If you’ve ever had highlights, you know they hold some power in freshening up our face if done correctly. Depending on the person, and colors used of course, highlights and lowlights can change our appearance and can truly soften our face.

Balayage is a softer form of highlights where the color melts in to your natural hair color. When doing balayage to strategically soften or contour our face, the colorist would ideally place lighter colors in places their client would like to widen draw attention to. In places you want to hide attention or slim would be the use of darker colors or leave your natural color if it happens to be dark. Its complex but always research and talk with a professional before attempting.

NOTE: All Images On My Site, Are My Own. Perfect They Are Not. I Did However Want To Remain As Authentic & Original As Possible.

Love, The MiniSkirt Files

How To Soften Your Face And Facial Features With Makeup | NO. 5

Makeup can be used to create softer shadows rather than harsh ones and highlight youthful points of the face.

Makeup can have a wonderful effect on how we feel and how we are perceived by others.

Using Strategic Placement & Soft Colors that compliment your skin tone.

Example of complimenting your skin tone: I have a yellow/warm tone, I love using a shade of warm pink that looks really pretty against my skin. You may have to try out colors or buy palettes / get samples.

Example of Strategic Placement: As I stated, you want to highlight your youthful points. A little shimmer or light concealer on the outer corner of the eye will give it a lift. This creates a lifted look of your eye, more feminine, more soft, and more youthful.

One of My Favorite Nudes. A Pale Pink Nude From Revlon.


  • Makeup Placement: Create a lifting effect with upward sweeps
  • Concealer or Shimmer on outer corner of eye to further lift
  • Soft Browns instead of black. Soft Browns in; Shadows | Eyeliners | Mascara
  • Smudgier Lines instead of hard lines | Soften eyeliner by smudging it with Q-tip or finger
  • Winged Liner: Making a smaller flick instead of the entire 60’s cat eye can create softer effect 
  • Soft Lip Colors : Mauves, Pinks, Tans, Nudes. I personally love using soft lip colors to give me a larger lip effect. I wrote about having small lips in Are Small Lips Unattractive? Embrace & Enhance A Lovely Pout and the use of soft colors giving me a more confident look.
  • Blush. Create a soft, flushed look. To elaborate more on this flushed look, Take a look at tip No. 3 in How To Look & Be Better Than Average: An Up-Leveling Guide
  • ONE OF MY FAVORITE TECHNIQUES: Apply Blush on your “harsher” features. I swipe a pretty blush on my chin and forehead to soften their look. My chin is pointy and the blush gently lessens that harsh look.
  • BLEND. BLEND. BLEND! = Soft. Easy on the harsh contouring to create overall softness. Blending your blush or bronzer really well to diffuse beautifully into the skin.
    {Research or Experiment on blush placement for your face shape}
  • SHIMMER. Shimmer (NOT glitter) can create softness when done correctly. A small amount of a complimentary shimmery color in the center of your eyelid can lift the eye, and the highlight itself will slightly soften your entire face. Just a dab in the middle of your pretty eyelid. I have some color suggestions for shimmer in the next section.

  • BROWS. The shape of our eye brows balances our face but can also lift our face if shaped correctly. All of this depends on your face shape and combination of facial features. When considering making changes to my brows, I always always play around with the shape before even tweezing. I usually will draw in my eyebrows differently or conceal them and draw over the concealer to get an idea of the shape. Some people will tweeze some of their outer brow and draw it back in but angled up some to create that “foxy eye.”

NOTE: Thinner brows are generally considered more feminine. However thicker brows are so sexy and can still make your face look more feminine but also add a touch of youth. Thicker brows are sometimes associated with masculinity but as long as there is balance such as other feminine touches and additions, the “masculinity” of thick brows dissipates. 

My Most Loved Dark Brown Liner.
Truly Precise Lines. Love This Brow Pencil!
Prettiest Shimmer. Wish They Still Continued to Make This One!

How To Look More Feminine & Younger Without Makeup

When we desire the more natural look, without any makeup, we can focus on Skin, Texture & Vibrance, and how Lifted & Tight our features look {No sagging | Well rested look}.

This means we focus on;

  • Well Rested & Lifted Eyes
  • Facial Muscles
  • Facial Color & Glow

I go further into depth in these two articles;

Please refer to the above articles for tips on looking good without makeup, looking younger without makeup and looking feminine without makeup.

How To Look More Feminine As You Age

Some women gracefully ripen and do so without going the un-natural route. Which ever route you choose, here are a few ideas to create a younger, more feminine overall look.

Highlighting certain points of the face that will create an entire lift of the face and make your face look more feminine in addition to more youthful.

As stated in previous sections of this article.

  • Place concealer or shimmer on the outer corner of your eye will instantly lift her up, creating a more upturned, youthful and more alert look. {Remember we spoke about canthal tilt?}
  • A soft shimmer on the inner corners of the eyes and above the lips {cupid’s bow}
  • Sometimes a soft shimmer on the outer lower lash line is effective depending on your features.
  • Shimmer on the lower lash line can also create “aegyo sal” the cute little pockets of fat under the eye that can make you look more cheery, young, and charming.
  • A bare face is lovely. However, foundation or a tinted moisturizer can soften the entire look of the face as it evens the complexion. It does create a beautiful smooth look creating that fresh, well rested look.
  • I recommend my other piece Lipsticks That Make You Look Younger: A Fresh & Soft Effect.
  • How To Look Younger in Your 30s, 40s, 50s


Face Yoga can help lift the cheeks, eyes & give an overall fresher lifted look. Always start slow, do so with professional guidance and always ask a health care professional / your doctor before starting any new routine in regards to your health!

Also, keep in mind; Consistency = Maintenance.

Below is a video I actually followed for a long time and refer to from time to time whenever I start up on face yoga again. She’s fun to watch but more importantly I get results in the form of I SEE the results!
Credit: Koko Hayashi


SHIMMERY EYESHADOW, just a dab, in the center of your eyelid. Just that. No blending all over, no cut crease, no outer corner shadow.

This actually works beautifully for hooded eyes. When I do this simple technique, my face is brighter and instantly prettier & more feminine. A friend of mine, a bit older than me, is the one who I noticed this on first. Every time she did this, I noticed she was prettier that day, younger looking, and looked more well feminine.

If you have hooded eyes as well, I recommend reading my piece, Mascara For Hooded Eyes: Emphasizing Their Seductive Beauty. In their piece I mention my absolute most favorite mascara for hooded eyes.

Skin tone, Outfit colors & Lipstick color combined with your Hair and Eye color are important when selecting an eyeshadow color.

These are just observations I made that mesmerized me when I saw them on someone. There is nothing concrete as you can always play around with different combinations until you FIND WHAT HEIGHTENS YOUR BEAUTY THE MOST.

Remember these are just combinations I saw, fell in love with & really thought the natural beauty was emphasized.

Eye Color + Hair Color CombinationShimmering Shadow Color | Just a Dab in Middle of Eyelid & Blend Some
Brown Eyes + Blonde Hair Light Golden Greenish Color or Icy Blue Shimmer
Brown Eyes + Brown or Golden Brown or Coppery Red HairSoft Shimmery Purple
Dark Brown Eyes + Dark HairMetallics, Bronze
Green Eyes + Light or Dark HairBlue / Aqua Greenish Shimmer
Blue Eyes + Blonde HairMauve or Coppery Tan Shimmer

Look More Feminine With Short Hair


When working with short hair, we need to create some opposition. Short hair is sometimes seen as less feminine. To oppose this, we incorporate the strategies & tips from this article along with my other piece I’d love to share with you.

With short hair, to create a more feminine, and sexy aura about ourselves we would need to highlight or create ADDITIONAL FEMININE ATTRIBUTES to soften our look.

Continue Reading. This Piece Is a Must Read: How To Look More Feminine With Short Hair: Up-Leveling Your Sex Appeal.

The tips in the above article will also help address the question, “How to make your face look more feminine.”

How To Look Feminine With Short Hair: Up-Leveling Your Sex Appeal

This article was to inform you how to make your face look more feminine. How to look softer. How To Look Feminine.

We don’t blossom overnight. We step one heel in front of the other and continue to improve. Let this be a delightful experience.

Love, The MiniSkirt Files

The MiniSkirt Files

These files are dedicated to the one who is getting herself together. Becoming who she wants to be. And always further advancing herself to another level above. 💋 Love, The MiniSkirt Files.

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